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Showing posts from January, 2019

3 hr Attract Abundance of Money Prosperity Luck And Wealth Jupiter's Spi...

Been listing to these lately and I am not sure if they work but I have seen an increase of stray or unexpected monies flowing my way. Found 20 bux laying around outside my moms credit union with no one else in site and then had a friend give me 15 bux for giving him a ride home even though his place isn't out of my way home..give it a try. Can't wait to see if it will help me win any of the cash prizes at the Talent Show coming up. Have fun with this readers...


I have been MIA for a long ass while. Been trying to figure some things out. Mostly love and money. Kids are great, mom is great, but I am stagnant. I have been struggling with my true purpose and value as a person. Searching for the meaning of my existing. There is a talent show at one of the casino resorts here in Las Vegas and that has kept me occupied and detracted from wanting to die. Suicidal thoughts have been kept at bay with arranging my vocals and planning my costume. I pray these feelings will go away someday and I will have a sunnier disposition. But for now I can only try to stay busy and pray. Stay strong readers...