Had a fun weekend, but can not help but have the uneasy feeling I will be jobless come xmas. My current job seems like a scam. They want perfection, yet once you are hired they no longer check for that perfection. Asinine. But I love it there. I love the hours, the compensation, and the one or two nice people I converse with. I hate the lead over my region and the others except one are really stuck up. I love the lady who hired me. Her assistant is really nice too. But I honestly despise the work. It is not too hard, but the standards make me have to walk on eggshells everyday and my family can see my stress visibly in my face. I just wanna bill and be paid. I don't care about promotions or work conditions other than simply wanting to not be stressed. Stress kills, this job may be the death of me. I hope not. I just want to work there until I die, retire, become disabled, which ever is which. Wish me luck. I have prayed everyday only to feel God may not want this for me. I know he ...