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Showing posts from October, 2015

Mario´s Dead 4 Last one....Pretty good.

Mario´s Dead 3

Mario´s Dead 2

Posting all of these...Num 1

A normal Xmas compared to the circus I deal with.

That awkward moment when............ You contemplate the meaning of your life When you loose a fellow friend who was just as awesome as you are When you do excellent at work, but suddenly are not anymore You marry the wrong person Said person continues to make life hard for you every chance they get Your mother defends said person You get so angry that you ponder killing them or yourself You love your kids, but not getting up in the morning to take them to school Men want to be more than friends and you have sent no signs that you are interested Your family is officially against you being you, no matter how cringe worthy you are The pain of watching your grandfather grow old and wither into nothing, then die, be it peaceful When your two closest friends no longer talk to you on a daily basis Lonesomeness be it in love, friendship, faith, work, or family The only thing you see is people hating their jobs and lives around you The yearn to be free and be yourself but the on...
Whew. What a long ass week. Had the BGs and fevers on top of aunt flo invading my lady parts. It sucks being old and n shit. Hope all of you are good. Got back into Snapchat and Twitter lately. More fun than I thought. Can not wait for Halloween and candy and costumes. One of my fav holidays. Nothing better than a good scare. Hell this world we live in is  Halloween everyday if you think about it. So much death and hate and stupid running wild and free. All I can do is pray. Only 2 months before I head to Cali to see The Weekend. Can not wait. Getting more and more excited everyday. I will have to cop some tour shirts and beanies before I go though, as the line at the actual event is redonkulous!!!! Hope you all have a great weekend! Ciao!