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Showing posts from July, 2015
I hate the fact that I cuss like a sailor, but it helps to get my point across. I also hate using that tactic to talk to my husband. It is hard enough to be around someone so traditional and then have your street and hood come out when you are defending something or an idea. Kinda embarrassing. I don't know why he married me at all. I would not have. Oil and water seems more compatible. No amount of counseling could fix us, yet he is still here. I don't know why. It is not love, not money, not sex either as I greatly have no appetite for it....not with anyone. I feel broken and lost. I do not know what will happen next but it has to be better than this.....
It is so much easier to me to get up in front of an audience of people and sing than it is to remember all these codes for billing at my new job. lol. Go figure, that's life. I have been enjoying the Steven Universe cartoon with my daughters more than I have any soap operas. I guess I am just a kid at heart. As I prepare for my 34th birthday soon I am at a lost to figure out what to do. Party, club, dinner, lounge. Ugh. Sushi and saki really sounds divine, but that is a norm for me now. Well back to studying these codes, watching the adventures of the Crystal Gems, and searching for ideal homes and gardens on Pintrest.  Love, peace, and chicken grease.
So upset over the hatred in this world. Why do others hate others over the mere color of their skin? A person is made up of so many other wonderful things than skin. You have intellect too. Conversing with others is stimulating and a good way to learn and teach one another. But I guess understanding does not make money and we need conflict for wars.....such a twisted necessary evil.
This blog will serve a ranting or raving place for all of the crazy shit going on in my mind. While I am a mother and a wife I will try to dump on her as a much as possible- as this will be therapeutic relaxation and art all at once.